First off, I love to quit jupyter lab or jupyter notebook by going to the Linux console by
Ctl-c twice and then clicking on the X next to the Firefox tab that says “JupyterLab”.
This will automatically close the window that says “Server Connection Error”.
Hence this Clt-c twice and a click on x is how I quit from jupyter in the least possible time.
My next question has to do with optimization of workflow.
I am sorry the following may already have
an existing solution but the last time I checked the answer seems elusive.
Now as I have been using the jupyterlab for some time, everytime I make a change to the
text, I have to navigate to Kernel → Restart Kernel and Run All Cells.
It is just me, I love to rerun everything this way since even a smallest change will have the expected resut on the last cell. But this is taking a toll on me. To move the cursor up
to Kernel and select Restart Kernel and Run All Cells can take 5 secs.
Question: Is there a keyboard short cut to act as Kernel->Restart Kernel and Run All Cells to do the same thing thus saving me time and
a bit of frustration? Yes. I know I probably should not use the browser but to use vi to edit a .py and
run the .py but then
some matplotlib figures may pop out along the way.
Even though the browser way is a bit clumsy but if needed I can always
scroll on another view window to see the plots if I need.
When I write a C or Fortran program, I usually have one window to edit, and another window to
type “make” to compile and run the latest binary. This saves me a lot of time with this “shortcut”.