Markdown interspersing long code?

You should have a Run All cells menu option. (It’s under the ‘Run’ menu in JupyterLab.)
Plus a really nice Restart Kernel and Run All that is great for making sure you didn’t accidentally delete something and the current state relies on something no longer present. You’ll see this referred to as the fact notebooks can have a ‘hidden state’. Good to get in a habit or rerunning everything when you can to make sure you haven’t mistakenly introduced such a state during development.
That restart kernel and run all option in JupyterLab is both under the ‘Run’ menu and ‘Kernel’ menu.
I’m pretty sure you can bind those to any keyboard shortcut you’d prefer so that you can use a combination of keys to trigger those. In JupyterLab, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Advanced Settings Editor’ > ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’. You edit in the panel on the right under ‘User Preferences’. This discussion might help in making such shortcuts.

You tagged your post with ‘JupyterLab’ and so that is why I mentioned where to find those options in relation to JupyterLab.The classic notebook interface that opens with the link in my last post should have similar options under ‘Cell’ and ‘Kernel’. Editing shortcuts is under ‘Help’. I know presently the classic interface is less customizable than JuplyterLab. (Eventually, the future classic looking interface will actually have JupyterLab under the hood, and so down the road customizations will be more consistent where there are parallels.)