How to run jupyter lab without the terminal on windows 10?

@krassowski Wow it is waiting for merge! Thank you for your pull request on Jupyterlab desktop as well! Just two questions about desktop, please.

Q1. Should I uninstall my anaconda3 first, to register jupyterlab desktop as my default python? Since I am going to use Jupyterlab desktop solely after installing it, I wanted to “set jupyterlab desktop as my default python”, and the installation says that there is already anaconda3 folder in my computer. As such, I need to unregister the anaconda 3 python first. According to the most voted answer to the question " System Python conflict between Anaconda and existing Python installation", to unregister another python, I should remove it.

Q2. If your pull request to let people use the “Extension manager” is merged, the virtual environment would be easier to control on jupyterlab desktop as well? You mentiond in this answer that something interesting is coming to the Jupyterlab desktop, about the controlling of virtual environment!