Jupyter Terminal not running?

Hi all.

I can’t seem to run a Terminal from the Jupyter Lab interface. When I click on Terminal I get a “Launcher Error Unhandled Error” message. Terminal also doesn’t work in Jupyter Notebook but doesn’t display an error, just nothing happens.
Can you please help me? I’ve tried searching web but haven’t found a solution.
Everything else in Jupyter Lab seems to be working fine. Using Windows 10 64-bit & Chrome.

Appreciate your time.

To actually help, we’d need some of the server logs from a terminal launching your jupyter lab command. This might provide more information.

It would also be helpful to know what versions you are running, e.g. the output of

pip list

or, if using conda:

conda list

In my case, I’m starting the jupyter command with --ServerApp.terminado_settings="shell_command=['/bin/bash']" and I’m getting the following error: Expected a list or tuple for argv, got "['/bin/bash']"