How to make graph in pandas

Hello Guys

From a csv file with 116,000 records, it contains information on students who have graduated from the university from 2007 to 2021

I have made the sum of graduates per year, with the following parameter,


TIT_2007 95297
TIT_2008 110299
TIT_2009 122903
TIT_2010 118590
TIT_2011 136580
TIT_2012 155424
TIT_2013 181420
TIT_2014 196551
TIT_2015 215265
TIT_2016 228892
TIT_2017 241787
TIT_2018 249225
TIT_2019 245270
TIT_2020 201723
TIT_2021 276314

I have been asked to graph the result as part of the task I am doing, but I have not been able to do it.

Therefore, I ask for your kind help if someone can tell me how I can make the line graph with the results.

I have made several examples, but I have not been able to do it

Thank you

i’d put my results into a numpy array and plot the graph using matplotlib.

see examples here:

you can customize a plot a lot, so your goal should be to get the graph right, label stuff and then put the years on the x-ticks, which is also very easily possible. maybe try out different plot styles.

you’ll get there :slight_smile:

Hi @Sebastian_Antunez_N ,

You are asking for help for your data visualization task.
This forum is for notebook related topics, so this is not the right place for this kind of request.

On the internet, you will find many resources regarding your task, e.g. this: