Garbage Value Issue in Jupyter Notebook Markdown Cells

Hey Community,

I’m encountering a perplexing issue with Jupyter Notebook that I could really use some assistance with. Specifically, I’ve noticed that whenever I run a markdown cell containing text, a garbage value appears at the end of the text. This garbage value seems to resemble one of the words or characters within the markdown cell itself.

I’ve attached a screenshot as an example of what I’m experiencing. Strangely, when I go back to edit the markdown cell, there’s nothing visible that could be causing this issue. However, the garbage value consistently appears when I run the cell.

I’ve already tried removing and reinstalling Jupyter Notebook, but the problem persists. I’m at a loss for what else to try and would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions from the community on how to resolve this issue.

Was the notebook created on a Windows machine by pasiting Markdown (or fragments of it) in a Chrome browser? If that is the case it might be that there are wrong line endings in the notebook code due to a bug which was already fixed.

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