Discuss the difference between jupyter.org and jupyter.readthedocs.io

Could somebody help me think about the (intended) differences between jupyter.org and jupyter.readthedocs.io ? I’ve been looking through them and I wonder if there’s interest in a little push to update these docs a bit.

From my understanding, it seems like jupyter.org is more of a “landing page to point you in the right direction”. It’s assuming that people know very little about Jupyter, and tries to sell the idea / tools / approach of jupyter more than anything else. It also has some tool-specific information (e.g. the “install” page), but seems to be more about “you’ve landed here, let us help you where to go next”.

The jupyter.readthedocs.io page seems more in-depth and willing to list more detail about the projects than jupyter.org. It assumes the reader is more motivated to dig into things and learn, and also serves as a more informative reference for technical readers. It also has more information about how people can get involved in the community (something I’d love to help improve). It’s sort of a second landing page after jupyter.org - once we know someone is interested in the project, the readthedocs page is probably more helpful.

That’s my take on it, but I’m curious what other people think. I would love to help improve these two resources - jupyter.readthedocs.io in particular already has a lot of great content in there, and I’d love to find a way that we can highlight it more effectively and support it with new information!

cc @willingc who has done a ton of the legwork on the readthedocs page thus far, and I bet has thought about this much more carefully than I have :slight_smile:


IMHO Jupyter has grown a lot in the last few years, and jupyter.org should become more like “ecosystem landing page” with more institutional information that list and direct users to sub-project pages: Jupyter, JupyterLab, Community Kernels, JupyterHub, Jupyter Gateway(s), etc These sub-projects then can group projects related to them: JupyterHub and it’s various spawners, etc

As for jupyter.readthedocs.io, I agree that it should target the more in-depth detailed documentation that describes how to install, use, troubleshoot the Jupyter server, similar to how jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ describes how to do the same for JupyterLab and from my suggestion above would be something listed on project-specific website area where they point users to its documentation website.

And to make “the user feel they are in the same ecosystem”, we should define a standard look and feel (e.g. template with must-have info and links) that should be used by the project-specific website area and readthedocs.io documentation.

As for some examples of communities that have grown to multiple sub-projects and have adopted a similar approach: http://www.apache.org/, https://www.linuxfoundation.org/projects/, and https://www.linuxfoundation.org/


It seems weird to me having both and that they are not connected to each other (I didn’t find the readthedocs page linkes on jupyter.org). What I see from where I’m standing is a multitude of information that are scattered and sometimes outdated. What I found so far:

  • jupyter.og as a landing page
  • jupyter.readthedocs as a more complete view of the ecosystem
  • jupyter-roadmap as a outdated repo for viewing the ecosystem
  • try jupyter that has awesome things, but I couldn’t find a link to it
  • each project documentation
  • each project repository information

What I think we could do to avoid having outdated information on our “main” page, is to make it only a gateway that received information from other documents. So, we would have specific documents on each project (such as the README) and this document would “fill” the information on the main webpage.

Doing this may take some work, but it shares responsibility of the main page and makes it easier to keep everything up to date.

Something like this:

I also agree witg @lresende that projects and places should have a similar look, to feel they are authentic.

Also, a thing that I think we should talk about is the brand. Several places talk about Jupyter as if it is only the notebooks, and this makes the image jupyter<->notebooks even stronger. As I said on the work week, for outsiders, it is hard to see what exists beyond the notebook.

@choldgraf i’m sorry if I went far from the point, If this is not the place for this, please tell me and I’ll move it elsewhere


I just wanted to jump in and say I really appreciate this work going on here @choldgraf @lresende @leportella!


@leportella in that diagram, is the “more info” box technically inside of “jupyter.org”?

I think that’s a nice run-down of the ecosystem! I think that since this is Discourse, I’m OK with taking this conversation in slightly more directions than the original post mentioned. I agree that it’s good to think about the jupyter.org/readthedocs sites in the context of the other sites that are out there.

Maybe @carreau has thoughts since he’s worked on these sites too, or @tgeorgeux who has been thinking about website stuff.

Note: I added a github issue with some actionable items to try and keep track of improvements! We can keep discussing here, and feel free to update that issue if you’d like to tackle something specifically. I am happy to review PRs and iterate w/ folks!

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