Custom Packages and Files in Binder's Base Image

Hello Community,

I have a use case where my team needs to install specific Python packages and include certain files as part of the environment setup each time a Binder environment is created.

We’re considering using GitHub templates to standardize these required packages and files across all environments. However, I’m wondering if it’s possible to include these files and packages directly in the base image used to build the Binder environment. If so, where should these changes be made?

Dear @guillermogarza,

Are you running your own BinderHub server? Or are you using

If you are using your own BinderHub server, you can define your own build image.

If you are using, you are limited to the image choose by

If you are able to provide a more detailed minimal working example, we should be able to provide with a better answer.

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Hello! @rgaiacs

I am running my own Binderhub server.
I am not sure where I have to define my own build image.

Dear @guillermogarza,

Change the base image used by Docker — repo2docker 2024.07.0+19.gbf618ef documentation details how to use a custom base image on repo2docker. For BinderHub, you need to pass the same parameter.

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