Creating a shareable Bokeh dashboard with Binder

Hi everyone. Binder newbie here.

Recently, I created an interactive data visualization dashboard using Bokeh which I wish to share with the general public. It uses Bokeh widgets. However, in order to get them up and running in a self-contained app, you need to start up a Bokeh server, which can be cumbersome since it requires setting up a hosting service (which I think is a bit of an overkill for the small dashboard that I want to share).

I started doing some Googling and came across this post by Jacob Deppen, which to my surprise described my exact same situation. He solved it by following an example very closely. I tried following the same instructions, but had no success so far.

This is my git repository. In the directory scripts, as stated in the instructions, I created a bokeh-app directory, with the Python file in it, which is the one that contains the whole Bokeh dashboard. Since we are no longer in the root of the repo, I created a directory called .binder, which contains the configuration files, environment.yml, and postBuild. After that, I go to mybinder and in the GitHub repository name or URL I enter the URL of my repo. I leave the Git branch, tag, or commit empty (although I tried filling in the commit ID and the results are the same). Lastly, as Path to a notebook file (optional) I provide the path to the file (scripts/bokeh-app/ I know it isn’t a notebook per se, but in Jacob’s post he describes successfully using a .py file. If I select it as a file and click Launch, the built is successful but I get a 403 : Forbidden The error was: Blocking Cross Origin request from mybinder. If I select the .py file as a URL and click Launch, I get a 404 : Not Found You are requesting a page that does not exist!

What am I doing wrong or what am I missing? Any help or pointers would certainly be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

repo2docker (the tool that builds repositories into images) only looks for configuration files in the top level directory, or in the binder/ or .binder/ sub-directories of the top level directory. This means your .binder folder in favorite-pokemon/scripts/bokeh-app/ won’t be connsidered, it needs to be moved to the top level directory.

Thanks for your reply, Tim.

I fixed that (and corrected some dependencies). When building the Docker image, this time I did see the environment being setup and packages being installed. However, the resulting link gives me the same issue: a 403 : Forbidden The error was: Blocking Cross Origin request from mybinder. if launched as a file and a 404 : Not Found You are requesting a page that does not exist! if launched as a URL. What else am I doing wrong?

Not sure how you ended up with the link you have, for the bokeh example the link looks like this:

which works for me. So you need to figure out how to make your link match this one.

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I created a new repo to exclusively host the Bokeh app only (which is kinda neat, I like it way better this way) and structured it exactly the same way as the example that you shared.

Unfortunately, I still can’t get the to work. I keep getting the same errors. Interestingly:

  • If I generate a link to the corresponding Jupyter notebook (located in the same location) it actually works.
  • If I generate a link to the repository itself (without pointing to a file) I can actually see the project file tree
  • I thought that I might had a bug in the However, if I run bokeh serve --show locally, a new browser opens with Bokeh app working just fine.

In the example, the generated link is I noticed that it has a proxy/5006 part which my links don’t have. Could this have something to do?

Yes the urlpath parameter is what redirects you to the bokeh app. Without it you will get the standard Jupyter notebook UI

to chime in, I tried running the repo, if I installed requests and changed the variables PATH_DATA and PATH_OUTPUT to be relative to where was instead of the current directory and your app appears to work. Cool application.

I’ll open a pull request in case you want it fixed like how I did it.



I was just working on a similar scenario for panel and am adding a jupyter-panel-proxy. Bokeh should be almost exactly the same. This would allow you to just depend on jupyter-bokeh-proxy (which would first have to exist) and then access your bokeh server at

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Wow, that was a nasty one. Thank you so much! I would’ve never imagined that such a thing was responsible for the issue (BTW, I did accept your PR).

Furthermore, thanks to everyone else who also spend time with this issue. I hope to write a post/tutorial soon-ish about this for future users :wink:

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