Cant load data into a dataframe

Hello I’m new here, My name is David and I’m doing a Data Science course.
My question is why can’t i load a csv file into a dataframe , find below a screen shot of my latest attempt, the file is on a usb stick.
Any help greatly accepted.

Thanks for posting - but - I think this is a Pandas question rather than a Jupyter question. Jupyter is just the interface to run the code, but the code here is from the Pandas library.

My impression is that the Pandas community prefers questions on StackOverflow, but I might be wrong.

There are many causes to Pandas file reading errors, including incorrect file names and files with bad formats. The relevant error is further down than your screenshot has captured.

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I second @matthew.brett pointing out it isn’t a Jupyter issue and nudging you closer to the actual issue.
Did you try adding an r in front of your quote, like shown here. That means it would be treated as a raw sting, see here. The page here gives a lot of nice tips you can use to troubleshoot making sure Python sees the file correctly so that then Pandas can parse it.