503 : Service Unavailable Your server appears to be down. Try restarting it from the hub

Hi there. I’ve followed the “Install JupyterHub and JupyterLab from the ground up” guide to install the jupyterhub. I used a cloud server and finished the first part. Now I can access jupyterhub at port 8000. But I can’t start the server. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks.
Is there any problem I start jupyter as a root?
I set the c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = ‘jupyterhub.auth.DummyAuthenticator’
if I use the default settings, error would be:

I’ve run the jupyterhub as root. But it still seems to have a a permission problem.

Hi! Unfortunately that guide is needing some maintenance work, and may not work. If you just want to deploy a working production JupyterHub server this will be a better option: https://tljh.jupyter.org

If you’re following that guide because you want to learn more about the technical details of JupyterHub then could you give us more information about what’s not working? Can you enable debug logging and show us your full logs?

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