Write and port over a little tutorial on built in functions in Jupyter Noteobook

hello dear all

i am new to Jupyter Notebook - i have heard some good things about Jupyter and now i am here. Guess that i is a great method and tool for learning.

I recently researched about finding documentation of any inbuilt python library’s function within a cell of Jupyter Notebook. i am pretty new to Python - and i am diving into all that.

i found a great overview on Built-in-Fuctions in Python: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSPMmeaiQ68

do you think that we can do a tutorial in Jupyter Notebook with all that Built-in-Fuctions that are discussed in the video. And - since all is about learing - i could send the output to the folks of Edureka to add this stuff to their Youtube chanel

i could write all those i a little - Jupyter Notebook with examples …

Any suggestion how I do this documentation? I guess that i can learn alot - and finally create a little cheatsheet to print out

look forward to hear from you