Hello everyone, especially maintainers of the Jupyter Enterprise Gateway
As per instruction on this page Community — Jupyter Documentation 4.1.1 alpha documentation I am motivated to enroll in community-wide meetings for Jupyter.
However what I struggle is, I dont know which meeting is specific for Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and organise discussions like future of the projects, maintanability and other aspects, etc.
Could you please advise? Thank you
Hi @luong-komorebi - welcome to the community and thank you for your recent contributions to EG!
Enterprise Gateway does not hold its own community meeting. Since it is a project within the Jupyter Server organization, items specific to EG can be brought up and discussed at the Jupyter Server and Kernels Team meeting (we recently added the Jupyter Kernels subproject to the Server meeting since there is significant overlap of topics).
We will not be meeting today, due to the US holiday, but hope to see you at next week’s meeting on the 1st!
Thank you so much, Kevin. Looking forward to learning more about jupyter ecosystem