Thought I would try out version 8 to see what my code did.
> pip install ipywidgets==8.0.0b0
It crashed on the second line. LOL.
Has version info moved to a different place?
I found the github: GitHub - jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets: Interactive Widgets for the Jupyter Notebook
there are releases listed, the latest being 7.6.3 from February last year.
The docs there:
ipywidgets — Jupyter Widgets 7.6.5 documentation
User Guide — Jupyter Widgets 7.6.5 documentation
seem to correspond to version 7.6.3.
The documents don’t list the version they apply to in the front matter. The version can be found in the change log at the end. It is also in the page title, but the tab area the title goes in truncates the title. The full title can be found in the title tag by opening the debugger, or by opening the history manager.
Google searches keep giving me the documentation
note it says “latest” instead of “stable” in the URL.
This is the documentation for 8.0.0b0, but the title gets truncated in the tab, and the front matter does not label it as such. The change log shows version 8 changes.
It sure would be helpful if the top of the docs said what version they applied to.
Ah, I see, the ‘latest’ just there under the “Jupyter Widgets”. Latest being version 8. While version 7 shows as ‘stable’.
I have been mixing info from the two version. Alas, now I have designed in that stacked widget.