Is there a sensible model for creating distributions that provide Jupyter Book, JupyterLite and Voici publications on the same Github Pages site?
I typically create a Jupyerlite site at the root, and then a static Jupyer Book site on the ./book path.
Now I’m wondering about adding some voici dashboard demos and wondering where to put those. My gut reaction is on the path ./voici, but the juyterlite environment that drivs the dashboards is the same as the machinery for driving the Jupyterlite site, so that seems redundant.
I’d also like to be able to use the jupyterlite engine to run thebe code cells in the jupyter book environment.
The JupyterLite UI, thebe dashboards and (ideally) thebe-activated Jupyer Book are all just different views on the same ipynb notebooks and JupyterLite environment, so I don’t really want to be publishing the same jupyterlite packages to multiple paths.