Unable to execute py file from jupyter browser using executor

Hello I installed the executor when I right click on a py file and select execute on my jupyter browser it does not execute the py file, Am I doing something wrong ? does the executor only work with the desktop version of jupyterlab ?

Just tested jupyterlab-executor which runs on a remote Linux machine, and it works as expected.

Ok . I am on Windows OS , I see the Execute option on right click and provide the arguments and click execute nothing happens :slight_smile:

Ok, I tested this just now with windows 11, with a local jupyterlab inside a venv running with Python 3.13.
jupyterlab-executor works as expected.


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Maybe if the system details for this issue here were included it would match up be like that? Sadly, the developer never responded. And no activity has occured on the project in two years.

Thanks for the video. I am invoking upyterlab-executorwithin the browser not as a desktop client could that be the reason for it to not work ?. I did the same actions except i created test.py file and tried to execute it using jupyterlab-executor.

Yes it is exact same issue as mentioned there , nothing happens on invoking the executor.

I only use the browser (chrome or vivaldi) to open jupyterlab.

Ok , when I click on Execute literally nothing happens :slight_smile:
I tried the same steps as you :
a) Opened a Terminal window , from File - New Terminal
b) Entered micro test.py - Got the below error :
micro : The term ‘micro’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included,
verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

  • micro test.py
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (micro:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Also I do not see the options you are seeing in Jupyter , I see that you have a Laucher option from where you open the Terminal , however I need to go to Files - New Terminal to open a new terminal which then opens a new browser tab with the powershell. In your case I see it opens in the same window from where the Launcher was present.
Lastly in my jupyter window I only see File , Settings , View and Help whereas in your jupyter window I see other options as well.

micro is just an editor. you can use whatever editor you like.

what version of jupyterlab do you use and how did you install it?

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Jupyter notebook version : 7.3.1
I installed it using : pip install jupyterlab

okay, I have used pip to install, too.
do you start the server with jupyter lab?

It works with jupyter lab command exactly as in your video , Thanks a ton !!
Any reason why the executor does not work with “jupyter notebook” ?

No, I do not the technical background, but it may simply be incompatible with the notebook interface. Jupyter Lab is way more flexible and it’s where most of the development is happening.