TLJH / The Littlest JupyterHub distribution 1.0.0 is released!

The Littlest JupyterHub distribution graduates to 1.0.0! :tada:

Thank you all contributors to this release! Here are those that specifically contributed in the TLJH repository, while many more have also contributed in project this JupyterHub distribution depends on, such as JupyterHub, SystemdSpawner, traefik-proxy, OAuthenticator, NativeAuthenticator, Configurable-HTTP-proxy, and open source projects outside the JupyterHub organization. This is made possible by a large collaboration, thank you everyone! :heart: :tada:

@adonm | @audiodude | @choldgraf | @consideRatio | @eingemaischt | @GeorgianaElena | @Hannnsen | @jawiv | @jochym | @jrdnbradford | @jtpio | @kevmk04 | @manics | @minrk | @MridulS | @nsurleraux-railnova | @raybellwaves | @Rom1deTroyes | @wjcapehart | @yuvipanda


Read the changelog now, there are breaking changes to be aware about before upgrading!