That screenshot looks to be like you are using the print ability of your browser to print to PDF? If that is the case, your browser has no idea about rendering .ipynb
files. The information may be embedded in the PDF, but it doesn’t know to add scroll bars, etc… Or the data isn’t even there because it is just making a visual representation of the current screen. I’m not up on how that browser HTML to PDF works. However, …
If saving a notebook to PDF is what specifically you seek, then you need to use the ways built in to Jupyter to save your Notebook to PDF. And then see the result. There are two main ways, under ‘File’ > ‘Export’, you should have a way to export to PDF (Or possibly under ‘File’ > ‘Down’load’ (?), see the top sentence here.) Have you tried that? Then if you on the command line, you can use nbconvert
, which is outlined here, with further advice for certain kinds of output and related items here, here, here, and here.