Frustrated with how long it takes minikube start
to run just to do some development on BinderHub (and because it has been raining all day) I investigated k3s and k3d. k3s is a kubernetes distribution with the tag line “k3s - five less than eight”, small, fast, simple. There are several things it can’t do but in exchange it is meant to be super lightweight.
k3d is a tool that lets you run k3s inside a docker container. Hello kubernetes inception. A kubernetes cluster that runs in a docker container and then runs docker containers inside that cluster. I tried this because I was never quite sure what would happen if I followed the k3s instructions (would it break my local setup?). Having it all in one docker container meant I felt like it was low risk to try it.
The goal of this exercise was to see if I could get BinderHub up and running by mostly following our contributing guide but without using minikube.
On OSX it was quick to install k3d with brew install k3d
. After that I created a new cluster with k3d create --publish 8023:30123
. This will expose the 30123 port from inside the cluster (a nodePort
) as port 8023 on your localhost
Follow the instructions this command prints and run export KUBECONFIG="$(k3d get-kubeconfig --name='k3s-default')"
. This will configure you kubectl
to talk to the k3s cluster you just created.
Next we have to create a service account for tiller and give it cluster-admin rights:
kubectl --namespace kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
Now install tiller
in the cluster:
helm init --service-account tiller --wait
Install the JupyterHub:
Once that completes you should have a JupyterHub up and running that BinderHub can talk to. Remember the --publish 8023:30123
part of the k3d
command-line earlier? The JupyterHub proxy is configured to use a node port (30123
) which we expose as 8023
on localhost
. To check the service is up:
kubectl get services --all-namespaces
you should see a few rows, one of which looks like:
binder-test proxy-public NodePort <none> 80:30123/TCP,443:31774/TCP 31m
Three things to look for: the name of the service is proxy-public
, it is of type NodePort
and its port 80
is mapped to 30123
Now from your laptop you should be able to run curl http://localhost:8023/hub/api/
and get a response like {"version": "1.0.0"}
. This means you can talk to the JupyterHub inside the k3s cluster. (That is a JupyterHub running in a docker container in a kubernetes cluster that is running in a docker container. Must we go deeper? )
To start your BinderHub we need to edit testing/minikube/
to change the IP and port on which the JupyterHub can be reached. Remove the lines related to getting the IP from minikube. Then edit the hub_url
line to read c.BinderHub.hub_url = 'http://localhost:8023'
Start the BinderHub with:
python3 -m binderhub -f testing/minikube/
Open http://localhost:8585 in your browser and enjoy your shiny new BinderHub. Unfortunately building new images doesn’t seem to work, so more work needed.
The error message is:
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “docker-socket” : hostPath type check failed: /var/run/docker.sock is not a socket file
which I think is because we can’t mount the docker socket from the host (which is a container running inside docker already).