Speeding up "time to developing"

Frustrated with how long it takes minikube start to run just to do some development on BinderHub (and because it has been raining all day) I investigated k3s and k3d. k3s is a kubernetes distribution with the tag line “k3s - five less than eight”, small, fast, simple. There are several things it can’t do but in exchange it is meant to be super lightweight.

k3d is a tool that lets you run k3s inside a docker container. Hello kubernetes inception. A kubernetes cluster that runs in a docker container and then runs docker containers inside that cluster. I tried this because I was never quite sure what would happen if I followed the k3s instructions (would it break my local setup?). Having it all in one docker container meant I felt like it was low risk to try it.

The goal of this exercise was to see if I could get BinderHub up and running by mostly following our contributing guide but without using minikube.

On OSX it was quick to install k3d with brew install k3d. After that I created a new cluster with k3d create --publish 8023:30123. This will expose the 30123 port from inside the cluster (a nodePort) as port 8023 on your localhost.

Follow the instructions this command prints and run export KUBECONFIG="$(k3d get-kubeconfig --name='k3s-default')". This will configure you kubectl to talk to the k3s cluster you just created.

Next we have to create a service account for tiller and give it cluster-admin rights:

kubectl --namespace kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller

Now install tiller in the cluster:

helm init --service-account tiller --wait

Install the JupyterHub:


Once that completes you should have a JupyterHub up and running that BinderHub can talk to. Remember the --publish 8023:30123 part of the k3d command-line earlier? The JupyterHub proxy is configured to use a node port (30123) which we expose as 8023 on localhost. To check the service is up:

kubectl get services --all-namespaces

you should see a few rows, one of which looks like:

NAMESPACE     NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
binder-test   proxy-public    NodePort    <none>        80:30123/TCP,443:31774/TCP   31m

Three things to look for: the name of the service is proxy-public, it is of type NodePort and its port 80 is mapped to 30123.

Now from your laptop you should be able to run curl http://localhost:8023/hub/api/ and get a response like {"version": "1.0.0"}. This means you can talk to the JupyterHub inside the k3s cluster. (That is a JupyterHub running in a docker container in a kubernetes cluster that is running in a docker container. Must we go deeper? :wink: )

To start your BinderHub we need to edit testing/minikube/binderhub_config.py to change the IP and port on which the JupyterHub can be reached. Remove the lines related to getting the IP from minikube. Then edit the hub_url line to read c.BinderHub.hub_url = 'http://localhost:8023'.

Start the BinderHub with:

python3 -m binderhub -f testing/minikube/binderhub_config.py

Open http://localhost:8585 in your browser and enjoy your shiny new BinderHub. Unfortunately building new images doesn’t seem to work, so more work needed.

The error message is:

MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “docker-socket” : hostPath type check failed: /var/run/docker.sock is not a socket file

which I think is because we can’t mount the docker socket from the host (which is a container running inside docker already).


I’ve played with k3s too, I’m really impressed with it’s quick setup time!

For your last point (mounting the docker socket) this issue is relevant https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/issues/1225
I’ve been playing with Podman recently (which uses buildah under the hood) and trying to get repo2docker working with it.


I read that you can switch k3s to use docker instead of contaienrd, so I tried k3d create --publish 8023:30123 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -x "--docker" but now it seems that not even the core pods start. Needs more time to investigate/understand.

Unrelated, yet related: do you know if you can use k3d to simulate a “multi node” kubernetes cluster? That would be fantastic for testing/developing some of the scheduling cleverness in BinderHub.

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Kind supports multinode clusters, but making them autoscale etc may be another matter, and labeling them etc nicely also. Its a tough one.

Im working hard on CI stuff for z2jh atm. I reached test-success recently with new python-based scripts instead of the previous bash scripts i relied on.

Curious to learn about the viability of k3s!


Brief update on my stance, minikube rocks, kind is too immature and cause a bit much hassle for local development, while it may be superior for more advanced tests on k8s with its support of multi node clusters etc.