Spawn collaborative user pod by using existing spawner.profile_list to override

Hi there,
I’m able to make a basic jupyterhub with the collaboration server working following Real-time collaboration without impersonation

I’m looking for a potential way to spawn this collaborative user’s pod by using the existing profile_list that I have already defined:
For example:

# Is there a function like below can simplify the above configs
# since I need the collaborative pod to have the same configs as user's personal pod that is configured from the profile list:
spawner.override_from_profile(profile_map["<a group_name from group_names>"])

More details:

     profile_map = {
          'oauth_group_name': {
              'display_name': display_name,
              'description': description,
              'default': is_default,
              'kubespawner_override': {
                'image': image,
                'default_url': '/lab',
                'cpu_limit': cpu_limit,
                'cpu_guarantee': cpu_guarantee,
                'mem_limit': mem_limit,
                'mem_guarantee': mem_guarantee,
                'environment': environment,
      # Show profiles based on groups
      async def custom_options_form(spawner):
          ## filter profile_list by auth_state["oauth_user"]["groups"]
          spawner.profile_list = list(profile_map.values())
          return spawner._options_form_default()
      # Set profile options
      c.KubeSpawner.options_form = custom_options_form

      ## Create collaboration users
      c.JupyterHub.load_roles = []
      c.JupyterHub.load_groups = {
          # collaborative accounts get added to this group
          # so it's easy to see which accounts are collaboration accounts
          "collaborative": [],
      for profile_key in profile_map.keys():
        # define a new user for the collaboration
        collab_user = f"{profile_key}_collab"
        # add the collab user to the 'collaborative' group
        # so we can identify it as a collab account

        # finally, grant members of the project collaboration group
        # access to the collab user's server,
        # and the admin UI so they can start/stop the server
                "name": f"collab-access-{profile_key}",
                "scopes": [
                "groups": [profile_key],
      def pre_spawn_hook(spawner):
        group_names = { for group in spawner.user.groups}
        if "collaborative" in group_names:
          spawner.image = "<customized image>"
          spawner.default_url = "/lab"
          #.....................other configs.....................
          ## Is there a function like below can simplify the above configs
          ## since I need the collaborative pod to have the same configs as user's personal pod that is configured from the profile list:
          ## spawner.override_from_profile(profile_map["<a group_name from group_names>"])
"Enabling RTC for user {}")
      c.KubeSpawner.pre_spawn_hook = pre_spawn_hook