Having a dynamic drop down for profile spawner

Hi, I have the following jupyterhub config:

# Configuration file for jupyterhub.

import batchspawner
import systemdspawner
c = get_config()

c.JupyterHub.hub_connect_ip = 

c.JupyterHub.hub_ip = 


c.Spawner.start_timeout = 120

c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = 'wrapspawner.ProfilesSpawner'
c.Spawner.cmd = ['jupyter-labhub']

c.Spawner.http_timeout = 120

c.SlurmSpawner.batch_script = '''#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --output={{homedir}}/Jupyter/jupyterhub_slurmspawner_%j.log
#SBATCH --job-name=jupyterhub
#SBATCH --chdir={{homedir}}
#SBATCH --export={{keepvars}}
#SBATCH --get-user-env=L
{% if partition  %}#SBATCH --partition={{partition}}
{% endif %}{% if runtime    %}#SBATCH --time={{runtime}}
{% endif %}{% if memory     %}#SBATCH --mem={{memory}}
{% endif %}{% if gres       %}#SBATCH --gres={{gres}}
{% endif %}{% if nprocs     %}#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={{nprocs}}
{% endif %}{% if reservation%}#SBATCH --reservation={{reservation}}
{% endif %}{% if options    %}#SBATCH {{options}}{% endif %}

set -euo pipefail
trap 'echo SIGTERM received' TERM

module load git
module load jupyterhub/1.1

which jupyterhub-singleuser
echo "jupyterhub-singleuser ended gracefully"

c.SystemdSpawner.disable_user_sudo = True

c.ProfilesSpawner.ip = ''
c.ProfilesSpawner.profiles = [
# ('Local server. Use it !*ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT*!', 'local', 'jupyterhub.spawner.LocalProcessSpawner', {'ip':''} ),
# ('Local server. Use it !*ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT*!', 'systemdlocal', 'systemdspawner.SystemdSpawner', {'ip':''} ),
 ('Local server - Use it !*ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT*! 16GB RAM, 8 CPUs', 'local_limited', 'systemdspawner.SystemdSpawner', {'ip':'', 'mem_limit':'16G', 'cpu_limit':4.0,'disable_user_sudo': True,'cmd': ['jupyter-labhub']}),
 ('Cluster - 1 CPU core, 4GB RAM, No GPU, 8 hours', 'c4gb0gpu8h', 'batchspawner.SlurmSpawner', dict(req_nprocs='1', req_partition='defaultp', req_runtime='8:00:00', req_memory='4G', req_gpu='0')),
 ('Cluster - 4 CPU core, 10GB RAM, No GPU, 48 hours', '4c10gb0gpu48h', 'batchspawner.SlurmSpawner', dict(req_nprocs='4', req_partition='defaultp', req_runtime='48:00:00', req_memory='10G', req_gpu='0')),
 ('Cluster - 8 CPU core, 20GB RAM, No GPU, 48 hours', '8c20gb0gpu48h', 'batchspawner.SlurmSpawner', dict(req_nprocs='8', req_partition='defaultp', req_runtime='48:00:00', req_memory='20G', req_gpu='0')),
 ('Cluster - 16 CPU core, 32GB RAM, No GPU, 48 hours', '8c32gb0gpu48h', 'batchspawner.SlurmSpawner', dict(req_nprocs='16', req_partition='defaultp', req_runtime='48:00:00', req_memory='32G', req_gpu='0')),
 ('Cluster - 4 CPU core, 60GB RAM, No GPU, 48 hours', '4c60gb0gpu48h', 'batchspawner.SlurmSpawner', dict(req_nprocs='4', req_partition='defaultp', req_runtime='48:00:00', req_memory='60G', req_gpu='0'))


c.Authenticator.admin_users = {"user1"}

I want to know if there is a way to make the profiles dynamic in a sense that I don’t have to restart the server everytime I add a new profile but rather edit e.g. a json or yaml file to add or remove more profiles and they show up dynamically on the user’s end.

Have a look at

You can generate the profile list from a function that pulls information from somewhere else.


Real stupid question on my part but isn’t this solution valid for Kubernates spawner? As far as I could see I could not find a similar option in the batch spawner for slurm or wrap spawner but that could just be me being thick

Sorry, you’re right!

Both spawners follow the same principals though for customisation. wrapspawner includes an example of dynamically generating the profile list for docker images:

Something like the following should work for your use case:

from WrapSpawner import ProfilesSpawner

class MyProfilesSpawner(ProfilesSpawner):
    def __init__(self):
            with open('/path/to/profiles.json') as f:
                self.profiles = json.load(f)
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception('Failed to read profiles.json: %s' % e)
c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = MyProfilesSpawner

I tried a similar approach before, but the issue with that approach was that it only read the file when I first start jupyterhub, and not was similar to the static setup I had. But I will try your approach again to double check as I may have had tried something different. Will post next week with the results! Thank you

Hmm interesting, I will have a look at the approach and try it along with mahendrapaipuri’s approach, but in all honesty it will take a few days due to other work and me being a bit rusty (the jupyterhub was maintained by someone else before)

I guess the spawner object is instantiated on every spawn. In any case, if that does not work, you can overload _options_form_default method instead of __init__.

def _options_form_default(self):
            with open('/path/to/profiles.json') as f:
                self.profiles = json.load(f)
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception('Failed to read profiles.json: %s' % e)
        return super()._options_form_default()