Scopes, Roles, Groups & Users: Examples needed

Hello together,

I have a (hopefully not too complicated) use-case which might be transformed into an example deployment, once I figure out how to actually do it.

Assume you have configured a kernel, and additionally want to offer a web-proxy-service that is available to launch if (and only if) the specified kernel is allowed to be used. I would like to be able to configure the following:

  1. An admin prepares a globally available kernel with a bunch of packages. This kernel is called Class1234_Semester02.

  2. An instructor, Professor X, username profx, can add and remove individual users from a group. From my understanding, this fits into the roles, and a set of users instructors can be allowed to use that role, ergo this is a scope (I think).

  3. A student, Maxime Mustermann, username mmuster and wants to belong to a group PythonForMorons101. She registers for the class, the instructor gets an email, and clicks a few buttons to add the user to that group

  4. When the Spawner launches, which happens after the authentication is complete, it notices that mmuster is in the group PythonForMorons101. When launching the actual jupyterlab session, it then adds an argument to it’s cmd which is likely something like jupyter lab --<some cool argument>

  5. This jupyterlab sesssion, which is now aware of the groups of the logged in user, also offers separate web services. If the user is not in the correct group, the launcher button which creates a new tab with the web application (not a notebook), is not shown.

So, from that scenario, two questions: How do I go about implementing this? I am getting rather stuck about how all the pieces fit together. And: Once I’ve figured this out, would this be an example others are interested in, and where would I document that for the community to find?


Yes, for example:

c.JupyterHub.load_roles = [
        "name": "instructor-group-management",
        "scopes": [
            # the 'groups' scope allows managing group membership for existing groups
            # 'admin:groups' additionally allows creating/removing groups
            # or only manage _specific_ groups by name:
        # members of the 'instructors' group should have this permission
        "groups": [

Yes. One version of this is to add the admin-ui scope, to your instructors role, so that instructors can access the admin page, which has some UI for these actions. They will only be able to take the actions they have permission for, which right now is adding and removing users from groups. They may also want the list:users scope. Alternately, you can deploy your own UI that makes the group management API requests with more detailed controls.

Most spawner configuration can be modified via spawner.pre_spawn_hook, a hook called immediately before starting the server, where you can modify all kinds of things, like Spawner.cmd (the executable), Spawner.environment (environment variables), etc.

This will depend exactly on how you make the kernel available. In many deployments, this takes the form of selecting the image the user launches in, and that’s all you need to do. But that requires there being one correct choice. If you have a single big environment with lots of kernels that only some users should see, that would likely mean setting the environment variable JUPYTER_PATH, and installing each kernelspec in a different location, so you can populate the search path, which JupyterLab uses to show available kernels.

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