Reusing kernel from another session


I’ve started using this feature to be able to share state between different notebooks, and it works apparently fine, but I would like to suggest (not sure what is the place to do it) that the notebook “inheriting” the kernel from another session should keep an indication of this. For example, in the attached image, the “Untitled” notebook is sharing the kernel session of “temp1-1”, but the kernel for “Untitled” just shows as “Python 3”, and as far as I can see there is no indication anywhere as to which kernel session is reusing. Perhapas the kernel name for it could just be changed to something like “Python 3 (temp1-1)” or similar, so one can keep track of which kernels are being shared if the workspace becomes busy?



Hi @angelv I agree that this would be a good idea. Can I suggest you opening a feature request issue on Issues · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · GitHub so we can track this? Thank you!


Done, thanks (Reusing kernel from another session · Issue #11307 · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · GitHub)