Requires any of [read:servers], not derived from scopes []

Hi, team
I added roles configuration in my jupyter_config file,like this = [{"name": "notebook",'url': 'http://{jhub ip}:{jhub port}'}]
c.JupyterHub.load_roles = [{'name': 'server','scopes': ['servers','users:activity','read:users:name','read:servers','delete:servers'],'services': ['notebook']}]

but when I started user server in jhub’s UI page, there’s a Warning in jhub’s logs:

[W 2022-09-09 03:22:22.360 JupyterHub base:93] Blocking Cross Origin API request.  Referer: https://{host}/notebooks/hub/spawn/{userid}/mysql-mvp, Host: {host}, Host URL: http://{host}/notebooks/hub/
[W 2022-09-09 03:22:22.360 JupyterHub scopes:499] Not authorizing access to /notebooks/hub/api/users/{userid}/servers/mysql-mvp/progress. Requires any of [read:servers], not derived from scopes []
[W 2022-09-09 03:22:22.360 JupyterHub web:1787] 403 GET /notebooks/hub/api/users/{user_id}/servers/mysql-mvp/progress ( Action is not authorized with current scopes; requires any of [read:servers]

could you please tell me why read:server scopes didn’t be loaded and how should I do?

We need to work on these error messages.

Blocking Cross Origin API request.  Referer: https://{host}/notebooks/hub/spawn/{userid}/mysql-mvp, Host: {host}, Host URL: http://{host}/notebooks/hub/

The issue is the proxied Host header is losing the https, as detected here.

Depending on your reverse proxy configuration (usually nginx, apache, etc.), the best way to resolve this is to ensure the Forwarded header is set correctly by your outermost proxy layer.