Replacement of jupyter labextension install

Considering the upcoming deprecation of jupyter labextension for installing extension available on registry as well as custom user extensions what are some of the recommended ways I should use to migrate extension installation and make it ready for next major version (5.0)

I have custom labextension that I install for my notebooks and uptil now I am using jupyter labextension install.

I currently don’t want to make that extension public so I am not planning to publish it on registry so any other solution would be really helpful.


Please see: Develop Extensions — JupyterLab 4.3.0 documentation

During development, jupyter labextension develop will take care of most of the things.

Building a “prebuilt” distribution would move this to however the outer jupyterlab environment is installed e.g. pip or conda, usually as a .whl file.

Or, if this really isn’t meant to be treated as software: runtime configuration to find extra extensions after jupyter labextension build.

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