Release of IPython 7.3

Hi all,

IPython 7.3 was released 2 days ago, and is now available on PyPI, and on conda-forge.
You can update with

pip install ipython --upgrade

And if you are using conda, once available on conda-forge:

conda upgrade ipython

This is a smallish release that still bring a couple of bug fixes and new features. You can read the what’s new section of the documentation to lean more about the new features and bug fixes.

This release was a team effort as always, with great help from Nick Bollweg, and Wes Turner who both handled many of the subtasks (updating IPython website, wikipedia, conda-forge…). See for more details.

The biggest update to this release is the addition of %conda and %pip magic that should ease the installation of packages in the current environment. If you are on the bleeding edge this also adds compatibility with Python 3.8.

If you are looking to help for future 7.4 release, subscribe to this issue, I’ll update it with things you can help with. It is a great way to get started contributing.


Congratulations on shipping a new release! I can vaguely remember reading about the latest release and already there is a new one! Double :+1: for shipping so regularly.

Having the issue for the 7.4 release where tasks are listed and labelled as “can be done by anyone” is a cool idea. I like it.