Recommendations for jupyterlab emacs keybinding extension

Hello! I sorely miss my emacs key bindings when working in jupyterlab (especially ctrl-k, ctrl-y). I’m about to sink a bit of time into hacking a jupyterlab-vim (GitHub - jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab-vim: Vim notebook cell bindings for JupyterLab) fork to give emacs keybindings. So far I have managed to fork+clone that repo and get it functional in dev mode. Emacs and vim are very different. For example, I notice that there is a dependency on codemirror-vim, and a codemirror-emacs exists too. Will it be sufficient to swap in the codemirror-emacs dependency and tweak all the bindings? I’m wondering if anyone has recommendations on how to do this cleanly. I hope to contribute functionality back to the community if I can make a codebase which isn’t too embarrassing.

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