July 31, 2023, 8:57pm
I would like to ask if somebody could help me with installing Pytorch for JupyterLab desktop version (Windows 10). I’ve installed Pytorch via command line (“python” > “import torch” = works in command line). When I write “import torch” to JupyterLab line, it shows: “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch ’”.
Could somebody help me, please?
Thanks for help.
August 1, 2023, 9:13am
I’ve managed to do that with this manual:
# How JupyterLab Desktop works
JupyterLab Desktop (JLD) is the cross-platform desktop application for [JupyterLab](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab). It is the quickest and easiest way to get started with Jupyter notebooks on your personal computer, with the flexibility for advanced use cases. It is bundled with a Python environment that includes jupyterlab Python package and several popular Python libraries ready to use in scientific computing and data science workflows.
## JupyterLab Desktop vs JupyterLab Web Application
The standard distribution of JupyterLab is a Web Application which is available as a Python package named `jupyterlab` and it can be installed using `pip install` and `conda install` commands. Once you install it, you can launch JupyterLab using `jupyter lab` CLI command. When this command is run, JupyterLab server is launched on the computer and the Web Application UI can be accessed from the browser. This setup process requires you to install Python and other scientific computing dependencies manually using Terminal commands. If you are working with multiple Python environments, the process gets more complex for setting up and launching JupyterLab. Opening notebook files on your PC, working with multiple projects in different directories with different Python environments can be challenging for many users when using JupyterLab Web Application directly from CLI.
JupyterLab Desktop makes installing and launching JupyterLab much easier and provides other user friendly features. It comes with one click installers for different operating systems. It still uses the JupyterLab Web Application behind the scenes but it hides the complexities of installation, launch, upgrades and other common tasks. It enables working with different projects in different directories with their own Python environment configuration and UI layout. It keeps a history of previous sessions for easy restore. It also shows a news feed with latest blog posts from Jupyter Blog to keep the users up to date with the Jupyter ecosystem projects. All of these features and more are provided with user friendly GUI, with simple clicks.
When JLD is first launched Users are presented with the Welcome Page. It contains links to several session create options on the left and the Jupyter News feed on the right. The news feed is populated using the Jupyter blog contents and is aimed to keep you up to date with the news and events related to Jupyter ecosystem projects. Clicking on a news item opens the blog post in external browser. This page is only present in the Desktop application and provides user friendly features for desktop integration and working with multiple projects.
<img src="media/welcome-page.png" alt="Welcome page" width=900 />
JupyterLab Desktop launches JupyterLab server instances in the background for user sessions and displays JupyterLab Web Application UI in an embedded browser. Below is a screenshot of the JLD UI highlighting some of the components critical to understanding the application architecture.
<img src="media/desktop-app-frame.png" alt="Desktop app components" width=1024 />
JLD supports multiple session windows. Each session window has a corresponding JupyterLab server process. Users can launch multiple session windows in different directories and for each session they can use a different Python environment. Python environments could have different jupyterlab versions and different set of dependency Python packages.
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