I am totally new to jupyter and have a likely very naive question:
I am trying to hide my in- and/or output from html (it should be visible by expanding it though). I found that you need to put
“tags”: [
into the metadata. Now, this is what I did:
1.) I created a cell and wrote e.g. “3+3” into it.
2.) I clicked “cell tools” on the left
3.) I put the above text into the tab “edit metadata”
4.) I executed the cell by shift+enter
5.) I click on cell tools again: The metadata is gone…
What am I doing wrong? Do I need an extension to the jupyter lab?
Thanks for helping!
Oh! I actually did not even have the tick symbol for saving.
Apparently something had gone wrong with the correct tabs. I re-entered the code with the correct tabs, got the tick and could save the metadata.
Only problem that I have now, is that the output still shows up int the HTML that I create by “File”->“Export Notebook as” -> “HTML”. Do I have to add special commands there?
Where would I have to ask that then? I am slightly confused, since all documentations only seem to give you half of the truth… Sorry and thanks for the help!