Hi , I just wana know if working with opencv was ok using a mybinder link…
I have many errors… and try a lot of solutions… but just wanted to Knowles if it is possible ?
Thank you for your work.
David, France
Yes. import cv2
works at all these resources listed below without error. (First couple are my own repos.) Looking them over, there are at least a couple ways to install it using the Binder configuration files.
GitHub - fomightez/gel_image_annotation: Simple script for automatically annotating SDS-PAGE images
GitHub - vishwesh5/OpenCV-Workshop-Binder: OpenCV Workshop Binder
Corsi / Slides Corsi Python / OpenCV · GitLab (You can Launch that repo via binder here)
https://www.github.com/dfialaire/test_opencv_mybinder (You can Launch that repo via binder here )
Hope those help you.
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