Open sourcing new python client SDKs for jupyterhub and jupyter server

We’ve been using the notebook and jupyterhub API with our open source python package alphai for a little while now, and it’s been very useful.

We thought it’d be good for the community to open source client SDK python packages that are generated from jupyterhub and jupyter server OpenAPI specs for their REST APIs.

For the jupyterhub client just run: pip install jh-client.

Source code:

For the server client just run: pip install nbserv-client

Source code:

The OpenAPI specs also seem to be incomplete, so these packages might be a good start to syncing with the actual API schemas.


This is really cool! The scope of our use of openapi is explicitly and exclusively for docs generation and not code generation, so there are definitely some bits that are described more clearly in prose than strictly in schemas, but PRs and Issues are always welcome.


That’s good to know. Linking the schema to both doc and code generation should benefit the overall standardization of jupyter’s openapi specs.

We’ll work on improving/updating the spec as we continue to use it