Ongoing binder issues

Ive been trying to get binder to work in the following repo: GitHub - EelcoHoogendoorn/pypowertrain: Electric powertrain characterisation and optimisation

I had some success early on, but for the past 6 months the build would hang consistently; I suppose a resource issue?

I just tried again, and actually, I did get an instance launching!

And on top of that; it even works. That is, as long as I decline the message ‘Build Recommended
JupyterLab build is suggested:
@plotly/dash-jupyterlab needs to be included in build’

If I accept that; it seems to hang again.

Generating static matplotlib plots works; but the dash app isnt yet functional.

Anyone willing to try and give me a hand to see what it takes to get the dash app working?

And how do I get rid of this warning about jupyerlab? Im trying to make this useful to non-programmers who want to get a preview of this library; but if you dutifully cliking the recommended popups makes the thing hang thats a bit of a detraction to the experience…

Hi @Eelco_Hoogendoorn, uses a “older” version of Jupyter. For example, uses Jupyter Lab 4.2.5 (instead of 4.3.4) for Python 3.12.

I don’t know how much this is contributing to your problem.

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See reduced capacity, stability

I dont think thats related. As I said my build hasnt worked at any point in the last 6 months; and now it suddenly does.

But it would be nice to get rid of that message '@plotly/dash-jupyterlab needs to be included in build’

Significant new capacity has been added to the mybinder federation in the last two weeks or so (see this zulip thread: Public view of Jupyter | Zulip team chat). A blog post is coming this week!

It looks like the plotly issue is a limitation of dash? I see in Dash in Jupyter Environments | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly the following:

JupyterLab version 3 is required to run a Dash app in jupyterlab mode.

To use jupyterlab mode, you’ll also need to build the @plotly/dash-jupyterlab extension. When you launch a new JupyterLab notebook after installing Dash, you’ll be prompted to build @plotly/dash-jupyterlab.

It also looks like plotly/dash has issues with JupyterLab 4 (Does plotly work with Jupyterlab 4? - #12 by schausson31 - 📊 Plotly Python - Plotly Community Forum), which is maybe why you are having issues once you click ‘build’. It tries to build for JupyterLab 3, even though you are using JupyterLab 4. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s anything we (as in Jupyter folks) can currently do about this.

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