Notebook category?

Could someone start a “notebook” category (can I? I don’t think so)? I have a notebook-related question.

Or is this site only for questions about hub/binder for now?

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Technically we’re trying to keep this scoped to hub / binder, though there’s the possibility of expanding this in the future if that’s what the community wants. I usually use the notebook repo with questions like this

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I (still) think it would be useful if there was a notebook category…

I think this is a good idea as well - when this post was first here it was scoped for JupyterHub, but I think it’s been well-used enough that we should have other categories (and do now, as in the case of JupyterLab).

The main question I have is how to scope the notebook category. In my experience people often conflate many things when they say “notebook”. E.g., many people wrap up what I see as 3 totally separate projects when they say “the Jupyter Notebook”:

  1. The Jupyter Notebook document specification (e.g. the JSON spec)
  2. The kernel architecture and collection of kernels that are out there (many people here assume IPython as the one-and-only kernel)
  3. The “classic” Jupyter Notebook user interface

Any thoughts on where a category like this would exist, and where-best to put it? There’s recently an nbconvert category, and I wonder if this would somehow fit underneath the same umbrella as that…

I think as long as the topic is scoped for things like:

  • kernels;
  • extensions;
  • workflows

it would be useful, but not so good if folk use it for “why doesn’t my notebook work” if they are talking about problems writing code within a notebook.

So useful for discussion around working with and developing for the tool rather than issues relating to the content of a particular notebook running against a particular kernel?

Fair enough, there is now a notebook category :grinning: we can figure it over time where it should live, or if it should be joined with another category, but I think this is a big enough topic that we should have something here for it.


Awesome! I don’t remember anymore what my original notebook-related question was, so I bet it already got answered :slight_smile:

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well if your question was “where can I ask questions about the notebook?” then the answer is now “in the #notebook category!” :slight_smile:

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Great. Of course, this immediately raises the question whether nbconvert should now become a subcategory of Notebook :innocent:

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hehe - well I am open to whatever the community thinks is best :slight_smile: