Not sure how to create a production build of Jupyter Lab from a Git cloned Jupyter Lab version

Absolutely confused how to create a production build of Jupyter lab – a new conda Jupyterlab package that includes my code changes.

I am able to see my changes when I execute 'jlpm run build" and “jupyter lab --dev-mode” from inside the jupyterlab git repo that I cloned to my workstation.

That’s all I am able to accomplish.

Hear are the issues.

  1. Not able to see my changes when I execute “jlpm run build:core”, “jupyter lab build” and “jupyter lab” within the jupyterlab git cloned repository on my workstation. The browser displays the original code base without my changes.

  2. Not sure how to create a conda Jupyter lab package that includes my changes.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

It will be easier to find these discussions in the future if we consolidate them into a single thread. Can you continue the discussion on the thread you already started about this?

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