Hello there!
I am a Ph.D. student investigating how nonlinearity in data science and analysis work, which is often done in Jupyter Notebooks, affects their usability and the potential of nonlinear arrangements of computational notebook cells to improve upon the current state of computational notebooks. To this end, I have identified several different nonlinear patterns through my reading and reflections; I have crafted a survey to identify which of these patterns may be most problematic in the eyes of users.
Nonlinear arrangements of computational notebook cells are starting to be researched, especially given the advent of research works like Fork-It ( Fork It: Supporting Stateful Alternatives in Computational Notebooks (acm.org)), Stickyland ( StickyLand: Breaking the Linear Presentation of Computational Notebooks (gatech.edu)), and my and my colleagues’ work on 2D Jupyter ( 10502316 (nsf.gov)).
If you are interested, please consider taking the survey, which can be found here: https://virginiatech.questionpro.com/t/AWlQ0Z22ow
If you participate in this study and provide a valid email address at the end, you will receive a $20 Amazon gift card AND be entered into a drawing for one of 5 gift cards worth $50 from Amazon. The odds of receiving one of these 5 gifts depends on the total number of survey participants.
The survey does have a maximum response cap, just so you are aware.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to let me know them!