Looking for opportunities to study Jupyter Notebooks at work

Hi All!
I’ve been a lurker for a couple of months now so, I hope I’ve found the right sub-forum for this post.
I’m a PhD student at the University of Maryland. I’ve been studying Jupyter Notebooks on GitHub to better understand its strengths/weaknesses as a platform for recording/sharing data analysis.

  1. I would love to reinforce my findings with some interviews from at least some of you in the community. Please let me know if you’re interested in participating in my study! All are welcome!
  2. I am also looking to study Jupyter Notebooks in enterprise scenarios. Please respond here or via email if you or your company would be willing participants for such a study. In return, I would love to help build tools to enhance your teams’ data science workflows!

My email is: draghun1@cs.umd.edu

Thanks and cheers! Happy new year!


Hi All,

I’m still studying how Jupyter Notebooks, or notebook competitors, perform in collaborative environments. Please let me know if you’re interested in participating in a 60 minute interview study.
Again, all are welcome! :slight_smile: