Is there somehow possible to define individual working directories for each named server?
(e.g. /home/jupyter-USERNAME/Servername/)
The background is that I would like to use a named server for each project I am working on and only have access to the data for this project.
Currently, all Named Servers use the same directory ((/home/jupyter-USERNAME/) of mine and I’m using subdirectorie, but I still have access to the data from the each projects.
Since you’re already using a custom spawner I think you could override the working directory in each instance, this is where it’s set (assuming your custon spawner is derived from the default TLJH spawner):
Arguably it’d be nice if those properties could be overriden without overriding the entire start() method- if you think that’d be useful and have please feel free to open a GitHub issue.
There’s also this issue on making it easier to configure SystemdSpawner
but I’m not sure if that would help in this case as you need something dynamic.
I had to switch to the other spwaner because the one used by default does not support the named server properly. VariableUserCreatingSpawner was the only one that worked.
I have tried to implement your suggestion in the last few hours. Unfortunately, it does not work.
Working Directory is still “/home/jupyter-xxx/”. Although it is clearly visible in the log files that working_dir is set correctly and the subdirectory is also created.
I would probably have to change systemdspawner directly, but then I would also have to integrate the changes of the VariableUserCreatingSpawner
That’s too much work for now.
just for reference. My current non-working(!) configuration.
import pwd
import os
from cdsdashboards.hubextension.spawners.variableusercreating import VariableUserCreatingSpawner
class myVariableUserCreatingSpawner(VariableUserCreatingSpawner):
def start(self):
unix_username = self._expand_user_vars(self.username_template)
pwnam = pwd.getpwnam(unix_username)
except KeyError:
self.log.exception(f"No user named {unix_username} found in the system")
self.working_dir = pwnam.pw_dir
self.log.error(f"User-Dir {pwnam.pw_dir} Named Server: {}")
# If Named Server, use a subdirectory within the home directory
subdir = "".join(ch for ch in if (ch.isalnum() or ch in " _-#"))
self.working_dir = os.path.join(self.working_dir, subdir) + "/"
self.log.error("Using " + self.working_dir)
if os.path.exists(self.working_dir):
return super().start()
c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = myVariableUserCreatingSpawner
c.SystemdSpawner.unit_name_template = 'jupyter-{USERNAME}{DASHSERVERNAME}'
c.JupyterHub.allow_named_servers = True
c.CDSDashboardsConfig.builder_class = 'cdsdashboards.builder.processbuilder.ProcessBuilder'
from cdsdashboards.hubextension import cds_extra_handlers
c.JupyterHub.template_paths = CDS_TEMPLATE_PATHS
c.JupyterHub.extra_handlers = cds_extra_handlers
That won’t work, because you’re calling super().start() at the end so all your previous configuration is lost.
However I’ve remembered there’s a --ServerApp.root_dir=<existing/directory> argument you can pass to Jupyter-server. The directory must already exist, but you’ve got the code to do that.
self.get_args() is overridable, so you can include --ServerApp.root_dir= dynamically.
This won’t set the starting directory for terminals, only for notebooks.
For separate venv, I’d use a launcher wrapper script instead of directly launching jupyterhub-singleuser. That makes environment setup like this easiest, to me.
It would look like:
c.Spawner.cmd = "/my/"
#!/bin/bash -l
# this is /my/
source activate /path/to/some/env
# after whatever setup, it should always end with this
exec jupyterhub-singleuser "$@"
Selecting the env path based on the server name can be in your Spawner or your startup script, whichever makes the most sense for you. Check out the default environment variables that JupyterHub sets (specifically $JUPYTERHUB_USER and $JUPYTERHUB_SERVER_NAME).