Mybinder JupyterLab link to a repo subfolder works, but not to a specific notebook in that folder

Maybe? And maybe it is a Chrome issue? I hadn’t tried another browser yet.
I have an older version of Firefox that I never use and I just tested opening the correct link (below) in two windows at the same time.

Link from my initial response to @pdeitel , which is the link I tested with just now:

Two things shocking:

  1. That link works well to open the correct notebook in my older Firefox.
  2. I can open another instance launched from same link one in another window and it works to open the correct notebook, too, in my older Firefox.

Chrome has failed with links I’ve tried today, but I had noted I used an older demo in my reply here and workspaces were working in Chrome for that. I had thought it was because it was built long ago; however, I just tried it again in my Chrome browser and it isn’t working now. So this seems to support your theory. I had been there recently and my browser recalls and is messing up the workspace.

However, not in favor of the browser fixing things, is Jason Grout’s post here where latest Firefox seemed to mess up restoring workspaces. (Maybe that is different?)