Multi NFS mount points

Hi Team,

Please find the env details:
JupyterHub Version: 0.9.0
kubernetes v1.15.12
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS 4.15.0-101-generic

Home directory is getting mount from the “singleuser:”, but when we are using the same method for mounting the another directory,it’s not working.
Created 3 PV for fulfilling the requirement of 3 mount points.

Expected Result:All the 3 nfs mount points should get mount inside the singleuser pod.

Please share the method/guidance to achieve it.

Export list for localhost:
/shared *
/input  *
/home   *

  type: "static"
      pvcName: "nfs-home-pvc"
      homeMountPath: '/home/{username}'


Thank You
Atul Yadav


There was a pv issue only, updated the spec with the different ID.

Thank You
Atul Yadav