In the doc jupyterhub/jupyterhub/app.py at cc9d9e435ad1e0aa639afd37120d0d6cca2eca92 · jupyterhub/jupyterhub · GitHub it says groups are added at the startup. But how can I modify group members in the hub after the startup?
In the doc jupyterhub/jupyterhub/app.py at cc9d9e435ad1e0aa639afd37120d0d6cca2eca92 · jupyterhub/jupyterhub · GitHub it says groups are added at the startup. But how can I modify group members in the hub after the startup?
One way to do it using Authenticator’s manage_group
config parameter. If you set it to true
, you can add users to groups by passing groups
key in the dict returned by the authenticator. Here is an example for reference.