Microsoft Word Integration (Intern Project)

Great questions!

  • Is it possible to expose other UI elements for common markdown things, such as links?

The gif is a little outdated. @betatim’s gif shows the updated UI. There are links, images, lists, code-blocks, etc.

  • Is it possible to see the underlying markdown that is being generated? Or does it only show the rendered markdown?

Great idea. There’s actually a feature request open on the repo for this exact thing! :slight_smile:

  • In the future, we might want to make more arbitrary “button → markdown syntax” mappings. E.g. if somebody implemented citation functionality. Is it possible to define these mappings within ProseMirror?

Also a great idea! @dereklam’s been exploring how to inject arbitrary elements into ProseMirror’s editor. We’ve been thinking about this for MathJax (there’s even a “rich-text math” opportunity called MathQuill). I’m thinking the machinery that allows us to inject something like MathJax inline will open the possibility for other rich-visual elements.


Thanks for letting us know about that bug! If you don’t mind me asking, were you running the binder in Firefox when this happened? We think we’ve found reports of Prosemirror having this bug with Firefox, but if you weren’t using Firefox and it’s a different issue we’d like to know. We’ve also opened an issue for this here if you’d like to follow it.


Yes I use Firefox 69.0b9 (64-bit) on OSX. Sorry for not adding that to the bug report.

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Fantastic - I think a reasonable demo to try out, if you’re thinking about a use-case, is something like “click button and it creates the structure for a bibtex-style citation”. I’d love to eventually work on something like cite2c for jupyterlab


Hi everyone! We did a demo on the August Community Call and I wanted to share the link to the recording here so that people can see the extension in action beyond the limits of the gif. We’ve added a little more to the extension since the recording, but this is a good example of what it can do.