Maintenance of the jupyter-sphinx project

The jupyter-sphinx project is on stale since 2022 even though it’s still actively used by the sphinx community. I tried to reach maintainers in the issue tracker and via email but I guess I knocked on the wrong doors as I didn’t received much traction.

In short Sphinx has made major modifications since the last release, Python version as bee deprecated, and some long-lasting issues have pending PR waiting for review. I noticed as well in another PR that the circleCI checks should be unwired as they are simply failing on build.

Could you advice on the future of the repository ? Are you looking for new maintainers (in this case I’m applying) ?


Hi @12rambau,
firstly, thank you for offering your time and skills to improving jupyter sphinx!

I think there are lots of juypter documentation related projects right now, and only very few people who work on these projects (and some of them only on a volunteer basis).

From my perspective, sphinx is not the most up-to-date framework, and there are lots of efforts made right now to bring Jupyter notebook documentation frameworks to modern web-dev tools, e.g. with GitHub - executablebooks/mystmd: Command line tools for working with MyST Markdown.

That said, I think that jupyter-sphinx is still an important and widely used project and the community would greatly appreciate having you as a maintainer for this project!

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If you do not get a reply here from anyone who can grant maintenance rights, you may want to try posting on GitHub - jupyter/governance: The governance process and model for Project Jupyter; if this does not give you a response let me know.


To my understanding MySt is a distribution of Sphinx so working on a sphinx directive that execute cells at build time is not completely out of scope right ?

that was the origin of myst to my understanding. Nowadays, it’s a powerful markdown flavor that is decoupled from sphinx, you can try it here: MyST Markdown Sandbox

and the javascript based project mystmd can also render notebooks, as you can see here

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As @kolibril13 outlines, MyST is a flavour of Markdown. The MyST-MD project is a new(ish) project that implements a CLI for working with MyST “projects”. This part looks similar to Sphinx; it builds collections of MyST files into HTML, LaTeX, PDF, and other formats. Unlike Sphinx, it doesn’t use docutils or any of the Sphinx libraries; it’s actually written in TypeScript!

For the Sphinx side of things, it’s work looking at MyST-NB and nbsphinx which provide (in different ways) support for executing code in Sphinx, both via Jupyter Notebooks and via derived formats like jupytext. MyST-NB also supports the use of code-cells in MyST-Markdown and ReST documents (on this last part, I would need to double check - it’s been a while)