GitHub has asked NumFOCUS to help identify two representatives from Project Jupyter for their new OS Maintainer Feedback Group.
Here is the information we received from GitHub:
GitHub is in the process of putting together an OS Maintainer Feedback Group. We are asking a few different OS projects, of a variety of scales and types, to each pick two representatives for a one year “term”. During this year, we will hold regular calls, collect feedback, report on progress, and hopefully send a lot of swag. We will also be exploring hosting “soft skills” workshops online that any member of these projects can attend, and looking into other things that help maintainers beyond improvements of GitHub products, depending on the feedback of this group. The overall commitment shouldn’t be more than an hour or so a month , and we hope that together we can greatly improve the lives of Maintainers. We are especially excited to have Pandas, SciPy and Project Jupyter’s needs represented in this group.
The representatives would also perform the function of keeping NumFOCUS staff appraised of what’s happening with the GitHub program.
So we are looking 2 representatives from the pool of current Jupyter maintainers.
If you are interested and you have the time available, please let us know!