Login issue with Jupyterhub

Hello everyone,

I have just installed Jupyterhub using this guide (https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial/quickstart.html) in an Ubuntu Server 24.04.1 VM.
When logging into the web interface under port 8000, I am now faced with the problem of what the required login data is.

I would be very glad about any advice.

Best regards


(PS: Furthermore, I can start Jupyterhub with the command ‘jupyterhub’, but when I use ‘sudo jupyterhub’ I get the message that this command was not found.)

From the page you linked:

sign in with your Unix credentials

Until you configure an Authenticator, which governs what information goes into the login field, JupyterHub defaults to using PAM for authentication, i.e. local system accounts. So the same username+password you would use to ssh to the machine, etc.

If you configure another Authenticator, that would determine what credentials are used (e.g. using OAuth with no passwords).

Furthermore, I can start Jupyterhub with the command ‘jupyterhub’, but when I use ‘sudo jupyterhub’ I get the message that this command was not found

This would be because sudo resets the environment, including the $PATH used to resolve what jupyterhub means. You can specify an absolute path:

sudo $(which jupyterhub)

or tell sudo not to reset the environment:

sudo -E jupyterhub
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