Hello community,
I’m currently using JupyterLab version 3.6.3 and I have a question regarding the lazy loading of extensions. I would like to know if the lazy loading feature is supported in this version. Specifically, I’m curious whether the JavaScript files associated with Jupyter labextensions are loaded only when the extension is in use, or if all the JS files associated with the labextensions are re-loaded on a jupyterlab page reload.
Also I observed that the lazy loading is not working when installing the extension via jupyter labextension install command (as a source extension) and working on installing the extension via pip install. Is this the desired behaviour or this obversion is incorrect.
Can you please answer these questions?
Or to keep it short in what cases the lazy loading of jupyter labextensions will happen?
Also to experiment with I was installing this open source jupyterlab-drawio labextension. GitHub - QuantStack/jupyterlab-drawio: A standalone embedding of the FOSS drawio / mxgraph package into jupyterlab
Thank you in advance for your assistance!