Does disabling labextensions reduce page reload time in jupyterlab 4?

Hello team, I recently came to know that in JL4, some optimizations has been done with respect to not pulling static assets for disabled extensions. So to try this out, I was experimenting with the open source jupyter-ai lab extension, by disabling it in the jupyterlab:v4.1.5. I performed the following steps:

  1. Install the open source extension jupyter-ai via pip install jupyter-ai.
  2. Reloaded the jupyterlab page, and saw that 12 static JS files corresponding to this extension are getting loaded each time on page reload.
  3. Now, I disabled this lab extension by individually disabling the 3 plugins:
    a) jupyter labextension disable jupyter_ai:plugin
    b) jupyter labextension disable jupyter_ai:inline-completions
    c) jupyter labextension disable jupyter_ai:status-item
  4. After running all these commands and on refreshing the page, I didn’t see the extension on the left side panel which indicates that the extension got disabled cleanly but I was still seeing the 11 static JS files corresponding to this jupyter_ai labextension that is getting loaded each time on page reload.

Ideally it should not be loaded as I have disabled the extension now. Can anyone please confirm if this is the expected behaviour? If yes, then what benefit does this disabling of extension giving us because initially I was thinking that disabling extensions can reduce the page-reload time?

Please refer this video link as well which is showing the 11 static JS files corresponding to this jupyter_ai labextension that are getting loaded on page-reload after disabling the individual plugins of it.

Raghav Mittal

Duplicate of Loading of static assets for disabled extensions · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · Discussion #16082 · GitHub already answered in Loading of static assets for disabled extensions · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · Discussion #16082 · GitHub

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