Kubernetes Helm Deployment Unable to Connect to Server Using IPv6

services below

NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP             EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
hub            ClusterIP   fd5f:c06e:e955::8ef7   <none>        8081/TCP   6h46m
proxy-api      ClusterIP   fd5f:c06e:e955::89fe   <none>        8001/TCP   6h46m
proxy-public   ClusterIP   fd5f:c06e:e955::4a6d   <none>        80/TCP     6h46m

Can you show the ConfigProxy logs for when you attempt to connect to the singleuser server too? You can redact any external IP addresses if necessary.

Those are all the logs I see from proxy , hub and singleserver . Is there somewhere else ?

Is there any other log can share ? Singleserver logs of any use ? Seems to be the hub and the path to singleserver response/config why I updated the hub.baseUrl from default /

All user connections should be via the proxy, for example:

23:04:49.716 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Adding route / -> http://hub:8081
23:04:49.742 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Proxying http://*:8000 to http://hub:8081
23:04:49.745 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Proxy API at http://*:8001/api/routes
23:04:49.765 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Route added / -> http://hub:8081
23:05:23.207 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: 200 GET /api/routes 
23:05:23.214 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: 200 GET /api/routes 
23:05:23.230 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Adding route / -> http://hub:8081
23:05:23.231 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Route added / -> http://hub:8081
23:05:23.232 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: 201 POST /api/routes/ 
23:06:23.242 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: 200 GET /api/routes 
23:06:33.775 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB / to http://hub:8081
23:06:33.841 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /
23:06:33.895 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/ to http://hub:8081
23:06:33.902 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /
23:06:33.938 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/login to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.117 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/static/css/style.min.css to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.128 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/static/components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.132 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/static/components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.141 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/static/js/darkmode.js to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.143 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/static/components/requirejs/require.js to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.152 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/logo to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.282 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/static/favicon.ico to http://hub:8081
23:06:34.292 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/static/components/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2 to http://hub:8081
23:06:35.470 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/login to http://hub:8081
23:06:35.509 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /
23:06:35.555 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/ to http://hub:8081
23:06:35.580 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /
23:06:35.633 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/spawn to http://hub:8081
23:06:35.682 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /
23:06:35.716 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/spawn-pending/test to http://hub:8081
23:06:35.915 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/api/users/test/server/progress to http://hub:8081
23:06:45.454 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Adding route /user/test ->
23:06:45.455 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: Route added /user/test ->
23:06:45.456 [ConfigProxy] e[32minfoe[39m: 201 POST /api/routes/user/test 
23:06:45.518 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/spawn-pending/test to http://hub:8081
23:06:45.532 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /
23:06:45.573 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/ to
23:06:45.585 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /user/test
23:06:45.626 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/lab to
23:06:45.632 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /user/test
23:06:45.671 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /hub/api/oauth2/authorize to http://hub:8081
23:06:45.704 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /
23:06:45.742 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/oauth_callback to
23:06:45.841 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: Not recording activity for status 302 on /user/test
23:06:45.927 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/lab to
23:06:46.089 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/static/lab/main.ea7277c9c015ae398545.js to
23:06:46.143 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/lab/extensions/jupyterlab_pygments/static/remoteEntry.5cbb9d2323598fbda535.js to
23:06:46.187 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/static/lab/jlab_core.9ae09eead5139c587af4.js to
23:06:46.191 [ConfigProxy] e[34mdebuge[39m: PROXY WEB /user/test/static/lab/1096.dd4c563e0483cbbeb9c9.js to

So it looks like you’re bypassing the proxy. Can you describe all the infrastructure (inside and outside K8s) between your browser and JupyterHub?