I’m getting this error in the logs of hub pod. What could be the reason?
Do you have a traceback? What versions are you using of the hub/notebook/kubespawner?
https://github.com/jupyterhub/kubespawner/issues/224 looks like it might be related (but is an old issue).
The hub pod in the k8s deployment assumes there is a k8s service called proxy-public, and that assumption can be seen as it assumes to find an environment variable called PROXY_PUBLIC_SERVICE_HOST
automatically set by Kubernetes on the hub pod’s running container. This probably hasn’t been set, so perhaps the proxy-public k8s service isn’t around? Why it isn’t around is too hard to guess. It should be around if you install the JupyterHub helm chart following the guide at z2jh.jupyter.org.
This worked. The problem was I renamed my proxy-public service to proxy and then it was failing.
Thanks a lot