JupyterLab 2.0 release candidate available

We just released the JupyterLab 2.0 release candidate. Please test, and if you have an extension, we encourage you to try to update your extension to work with it.

You can install with

pip install --pre jupyterlab==2.0.0rc2


conda install -c conda-forge/label/prerelease-jupyterlab jupyterlab=2.0.0rc2

Congrats! I have my 2.0 JupyterLab up and running. All well so far. Is there a way to isolate 2.0 compatible extensions? Frustrating to search and have most extensions not work.

That’s great! Thanks for testing!

No easy way, though JupyterLab itself should refuse to install non-compatible extensions and will try to find compatible extension versions. We’ve been encouraging people to port extensions to JLab 2.0 rc to check the upgrade process. I imagine we’ll get a lot of extension releases next week after 2.0 is released, since most extensions that are being updated won’t ship a final version until jlab 2.0 is released. ipywidgets will release a compatible version next week, for example, but for now, you’d have to install the ipywidgets jlab extension prerelease: jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@next

I haven’t seen the announcement, but I see that the JupyterLab 2.0 release was tagged on Feb 28 https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/releases/tag/v2.0.0.

However, $conda update jupyterlab (not using conda-forge) still points to 1.2.6 for the moment (March 5).

FYI, we (JupyterLab maintainers) don’t control the Anaconda package. The official Project Jupyter JupyterLab packages are published on pypi and conda-forge (and the relevant npm packages are published on npmjs.com). JupyterLab 2.0 is available from these sources.