Jupyterhub Helm Chart upgrade from 2.0.0.to 3.x SSL CurlError

My team has added a few custom layers to the jupyterhub chart mostly by using the custom, config, extraEnv, and extraConfig sections. One customization is to inherit the GenericOAuthenticator. Our oauth provider is Keycloak and we have a private certificate authority.
When I try to update the chart from 2.0.0 to 3.1.2 or 3.3.5, I get the following error:

[E 2024-04-12 12:23:13.918 JupyterHub oauth2:653] Error fetching 599 POST https://keycloak.********/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/token: HTTP 599: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
[E 2024-04-12 12:23:13.919 JupyterHub web:1875] Uncaught exception GET /hub/oauth_callback?state=eyJzdGF0ZV9pZCI6ICIwZjBhZjFlN2MyNzE0ZGQyODg3N2E5MWJkYTUzYzdiNiJ9&session_state=c5f42d87-2a02-4bb4-9587-21c7276caf0a&code=4bc43458-2a5f-4ec4-a712-9fdd667365b7.c5f42d87-2a02-4bb4-9587-21c7276caf0a.dd0cdafd-65dc-4b72-a89e-6a4e892e3580 (
    HTTPServerRequest(protocol='https', host='mynamespace.ehpc.evoforge.org', method='GET', uri='/hub/oauth_callback?state=eyJzdGF0ZV9pZCI6ICIwZjBhZjFlN2MyNzE0ZGQyODg3N2E5MWJkYTUzYzdiNiJ9&session_state=c5f42d87-2a02-4bb4-9587-21c7276caf0a&code=4bc43458-2a5f-4ec4-a712-9fdd667365b7.c5f42d87-2a02-4bb4-9587-21c7276caf0a.dd0cdafd-65dc-4b72-a89e-6a4e892e3580', version='HTTP/1.1', remote_ip='')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tornado/web.py", line 1790, in _execute
        result = await result
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauthenticator/oauth2.py", line 210, in get
        user = await self.login_user()
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jupyterhub/handlers/base.py", line 928, in login_user
        authenticated = await self.authenticate(data)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jupyterhub/auth.py", line 493, in get_authenticated_user
        authenticated = await maybe_future(self.authenticate(handler, data))
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauthenticator/oauth2.py", line 1029, in authenticate
        token_info = await self.get_token_info(handler, access_token_params)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauthenticator/oauth2.py", line 874, in get_token_info
        token_info = await self.httpfetch(
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauthenticator/oauth2.py", line 688, in httpfetch
        return await self.fetch(
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauthenticator/oauth2.py", line 654, in fetch
        raise e
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauthenticator/oauth2.py", line 633, in fetch
        resp = await self.http_client.fetch(req, **kwargs)
    tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlError: HTTP 599: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I have looked for related issues, but have only found a similar issue where the deployment is using a proxy.
I’m pretty sure I’m missing something simple, but I don’t see any setting in the values.yaml that would point to the tls layer or adding a ca chain.

The block of code failing here still works when we use jupyterhub:2.0.0 chart.

In our extraEnv these settings set up Keycloak as the OAuthenticator:

      AUTHENTICATOR_CLASS: 'GenericOAuthenticator'
      OAUTH2_USERNAME_KEY: 'preferred_username'
      OAUTH2_TLS_VERIFY: '0'
      OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URL: 'https://<keycloak url>/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/auth'
      OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL: 'https://<keycloak url>/realms/<myrealm>/protocol/openid-connect/token'
      OAUTH2_USERDATA_URL: 'https://<keycloak url>/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo'
      OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL: 'https://<jupyterhub url>/hub/oauth_callback'

In our extraConfig:

    01-myAuth: |
          from oauthenticator.generic import GenericOAuthenticator
          import os
          class MyGenericOAuthenticator(GenericOAuthenticator):
              from tornado import gen
              def pre_spawn_start(self,user,spawner):
                  auth_state = yield user.get_auth_state()
                  if not auth_state:
                  oauth_user = auth_state['oauth_user']
                  if not oauth_user:
                  #print(f' in MyGenericOAuthenticator from values oauth_user is {oauth_user}')
                  spawner.environment['NB_USER'] = spawner.user.name
                  spawner.environment['NB_UID'] = oauth_user['uid']
                  spawner.environment['NB_GID'] = oauth_user['gid']
                  spawner.environment['NB_GROUP'] = oauth_user['group']
                  spawner.environment['EXTRA_GROUPS'] = oauth_user.get('extra_groups','')
          print('RUNNING 01-myAuth from values file')
          c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = MyGenericOAuthenticator
          c.Application.log_level = 'DEBUG'
          c.KubeSpawner.args = ['--allow-root']
          c.Spawner.cmd = ['start.sh','jupyterhub-singleuser','--allow-root']

in the hub.config we define an authenticator:

         - admin
         - user1
        admin_access: true
        authenticator_class: generic-oauth
        authorize_url: https://{keycloak url}/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/auth
        token_url: https://{keycloak url}/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/token
        userdata_url: https://{keycloak url}/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
        login_service: "Keycloak"
        username_key: preferred_username
          state: state
          - openid
          - uid
          - gid
          - group
          - extra_groups
          - groups
        enable_auth_state: true
        # trying auto_login to bypass big orange button
        auto_login: false

We also have a “configMap” which writes to the jupyter_config.d the authenticator class. Here is the section of that class showing how it’s setup:

            c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = GenericOAuthenticator
              c.Spawner.authClass = AuthenticatorClass.GenericOAuthenticator

              c.GenericOAuthenticator.login_service = 'KEYCLOAK'
              c.GenericOAuthenticator.auto_login = False
              c.GenericOAuthenticator.tls_verify = False
              c.GenericOAuthenticator.userdata_params = {"state": "state"}
              c.GenericOAuthenticator.admin_users={{ .Values.jupyterhub.hub.config.JupyterHub.admin_users | toJson }}
              print(f' setting admin_users to {c.GenericOAuthenticator.admin_users}')
              c.GenericOAuthenticator.scope = {{ .Values.jupyterhub.hub.config.MyGenericOAuthenticator.scope | toJson }}
              print(f' requesting scopes {c.GenericOAuthenticator.scope}')
              c.GenericOAuthenticator.refresh_pre_spawn = True
              print(f' just set refresh_pre_spawn {c.GenericOAuthenticator.refresh_pre_spawn}')
              c.GenericOAuthenticator.enable_auth_state = True

My question: What has changed in the JupyterHub version that is causing this type of error and what value could I be missing?

My assumption is that I need to add a ca cert to the hub deployment somewhere, but I’m not sure where.

OK, I have a workaround for now. I had to run hub as root to make it work. I added a mount to the secret holding my ca-cert and a new step under extraConfig that cat’s the contents of that cert to the end of the ca-certificates.crt. That seems to get me back to being able to log in.
Still hoping someone out there has a solution that doesn’t require running the hub image as root.

Maybe oauthenticator has stopped correctly respecting not verifying tls based on being confkgured to not verify tls - so a regression in oauthenticator?

Yes, I did see a recent ‘bug-fix’ comment in the oauthenticator repo related to TLS_VERIFY, but it looked like the issue was fixed. I may need to upgrade to the next version to pick it up. Thanks for the hint.